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Rabu, 16 Maret 2011

Captain's Log #3

First of all ... once again, I am so sorry for almost 1 week away. I suddenly attacked by a helluva worm and trojans. My God! It's four days straight without enough sleep and break. For hours and days I've sit in front of these twelve computers and manage to banish every bit of viruses.

For now, I can only leave this message.

I promise I'll bring something good when I back

Minggu, 13 Maret 2011

Maid Bride (メイド 嫁) by Kizuki Aruchu [HOT]

Please, if you have any discontentment with maids, you don't need to view this gallery here. This piece of Kizuki Aruchu is one of my favorite manga. For now, I'll start sharing it chapter by chapter. This one, is a preface for the manga itself. Please enjoy


Next ... Chapter 1 will be telling the meeting of this lewd maid with our hero ...

Sabtu, 12 Maret 2011

Captain's Log #2

I am so lame ... can't keep myself focused on one thing ...
For example, how many weeks did I had abandoned this site? While in the beginning, when I found it from scratch, I devoted myself to maintain it and updated at least once a day? Geez ... Why am I so lame? So lazy?

On this occassion too ... I would like to say thank you for all viewers who still wants to take a peek into this amateur and ugly site. But, please enjoy your visit and don't forget keep commenting on any post I made. Especially, give some spirits and encouragement to me -- I'm kinda guy who will do something when I was told to, so sometimes I need an encouragement to do something.

Once again, thank you for your visit. I promise I'll be back as often as possible. I hope my main activity won't make me abandon this. Yeah, that's why I hate reality too ...

Have a warm springtime,

and my deepest condolences to all Japanese who just hit by a massive earthquake and tsunami. May God bless and forgive all the people who vanished in the disaster.

Cute Nurse in White Dress [Sorry, NON-E]

Well ... what do you think if one day you were hospitalized. Somehow, you met this white dressed angel and saying, "Excuse me, since its time to bath, I will assist you bathing ... "

Ugh .. kyaa ... My nose is bleeding ...

I'm so sorry can't find the naked series yet, but I'm still searching it somewhere. For now, let's just enjoy this magnificent babe


As usual, just click the picture to view the larger version

Senin, 21 Februari 2011

Sora Aoi~Hot!

The first time I jumped into this familiar face was in a video I found at one of those "tube" sites. I can't recall the title of the video but I pretty remembered the scene ... She played as a highschool teacher who seduced her own student to do lewd thing to her. Next thing is ... well, you can imagine it, basic plots for Japs AV ?

Jumat, 18 Februari 2011

Some Random Images #1

Well ... It's 2 o'clock in the morning and I just can't sleep yet. Too much sleep today. So here I am, staying overnight again ... with a cold coffee in my left -- forgotten to drinks since I've just too intense playing the RPG again.

As a refreshment, I went browsing and get this several pics that you might liked.

Rabu, 05 Januari 2011

Thaicute model: Sai Eew

Nama yg aneh .. Tapi apalah arti sebuah nama kalau ternyata si pemilik nama punya wajah yg begitu menggoda. Saai Eew adalah model dari Thailand.

Mihiro Taniguchi Hot

Mihiro Taniguchi Photoset No.1

oh Mihiro .. gingsulmu itu cute banggets~!